Aviation Fuel
Aviation Fuel, 100LL is available at Lenhardt’s when the FBO is in attendance. For after-hours fuel service, you need to be a member of the Self-Fuel Group.
To join the Self-Fuel group, and to receive training on the procedures and requirements, contact:
Glenn Lenhardt at (503) 651-2187
Flight Training
Lenhardt Airpark is the proud home to Tom Wrolstad LLC, flight instruction. Tom is a distinguished aviator and CFI.
Tom Wrolstad

Tom Wrolstad started flight instructing in 1966. Tom currently operates his flight school at Lenhardt Airpark with the assistance of CFII Wayne Schoor. They provide basic, instrument, and tail wheel instruction as well as ground school.
If you are interested in learning to fly or are in need of a flight review call Tom Wrolstad at (971) 219-3854 or email him at twaircraft@gmail.com
Maintenance Services
Mike Fleer

Mike Fleer graduated with a degree in Aviation Technology in 1977 and has been an A&P for over 34 years.
His career has had him working for Industrial Aviation Services for 20 years, maintaining the company’s aircraft fleet of Cessna A188’s, C-TU 206’s, Hiller 12E helicopters and the Mooney 231.
Mike’s experience also includes time at Aurora Aviation where he was promoted to the Director of Maintenance. His responsibilities for maintenance and inspections included Beechcraft, Cessna, Piper and Mooney aircraft. Various models of the aircraft ranged from the C-152’s to C-421’s; Beech Bonanza to Permier 1 Jet; and Piper Cubs to Navajo’s.
Mike Fleer started Whiskey Hill Aviation, LLC at Lenhardt’s Airpark in 2007 and continues to use his skills and expertise performing repairs, annuals and I.A. inspections.
You can call Mike at Whiskey Hill Aviation at (503) 263-9296 or on his cell phone at (503) 871-5503